
External benchmarking

We believe that it is important to evidence our commitment to operating sustainably. We therefore provide a wealth of relevant information to shareholders and other interested stakeholders.

UN Principles for Responsible Investment

We have been signatories to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (“UN PRI”) since 2011. 3i scored four out of five stars for the Policy, Governance and Strategy, Private Equity and Infrastructure modules in the 2023 UN PRI assessment report.

Sustainability indices

3i is a member of FTSE4Good Index Series and of the Solactive Europe Corporate Social Responsibility Index.

Orbis Advisory 2023 Private Equity ESG Transparency Index

3i was recognised as the Top ESG Performer overall and in the midmarket category of the Orbis Advisory 2023 Private Equity ESG Transparency Index. This index assesses the ESG disclosures of 161 private equity firms listed in the BVCA directory across six categories: global buy-out funds, mid-market private equity, growth equity, alternative lenders, direct investors and infrastructure funds.

Sustainability ratings

 We engage with multiple rating providers that assess our ESG performance based on their own methodologies. The summary of our ratings as at 8 May 2024 (except where indicated) is as follows:

Rating body

Latest rating

Scoring scale

CDP Climate change score: B A to D-
S&P Global CSA 48 (93rd percentile) 0-100 (higher scores are better)
FTSE Russell 3.8 (81st percentile) 0 to 5 (higher scores are better)
ISS ESG ISS ESG Corporate Rating: B- A+ to D-
Sustainalytics1 10.4 Low Risk from Negligible (0-10) to Severe (40+)

1. As at October 2023. Copyright © 2024 Morningstar Sustainalytics. All rights reserved. This section contains information developed by Sustainalytics ( Such information and data are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third party suppliers (Third Party Data) and are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement of any product or project, nor an investment advice and are not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for a particular purpose. Their use is subject to conditions available at

Latest Sustainability report

Sustainability section extract from 3i Group plc annual report and accounts 2024

Sustainability policies

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