
Responsible investment policy

Our Responsible Investment (“RI”) policy sets out the types of businesses in which 3i will not invest, as well as minimum requirements in relation to ESG matters, which we expect new portfolio companies to either meet or commit to meeting over a reasonable time period. We screen all investments against the RI policy, irrespective of their country or sector.

3i’s objectives as set out in the RI policy are to invest only in businesses which are committed to:

The environment

A cautious and responsible approach to the environmental management of their business operations (and those of their supply chain) by making efficient use of natural resources and mitigating environmental risks and damage.

Fair and safe working conditions

Respecting the human rights of their workers and of the people working in their supply chain; maintaining safe and healthy working conditions for their employees, contractors and the people working in their supply chain; treating their employees fairly; upholding the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining; treating their customers fairly and respecting the health, safety and wellbeing of those affected by their business activities.

Business integrity

Upholding high standards of business integrity, avoiding corruption in all its forms, and complying with applicable anti-bribery, anti-fraud, antimoney laundering and data protection laws and regulations.

Good governance

Implementing a strong corporate governance and risk management culture and complying in form and substance with established best practice in corporate governance which is appropriate to the relative size and complexity of the relevant business and the markets in which it operates.

Our RI policy was updated in May 2024 to reflect the introduction of considerations and criteria to enable 3i to achieve its science-based targets over time, including:

  • restrictions on coal investments and a referral mechanism for consideration of other fossil fuel investments and investments in companies that derive a significant proportion of their revenues from fossil fuel-related activities; and
  • the introduction of a requirement for in-scope portfolio companies to set science-based targets within a reasonable timeframe.

Latest Sustainability report

Sustainability section extract from 3i Group plc annual report and accounts 2024

Responsible Investment policy

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