Human rights & modern slavery
We do not procure services from, nor invest in businesses which make use of slavery, servitude, human trafficking, forced labour, exploitation, compulsory labour or harmful child labour.
Our policies are consistent with internationally-recognised human rights principles such as the UN Global Compact. We comply fully with applicable human rights legislation in the countries in which we operate, for example covering areas such as freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, equal remuneration and protection against discrimination. We also encourage our business partners and suppliers to adopt the same standards with respect to human rights. Given the composition of our workforce, which is characterised by a very small number of employees with very diverse roles, and considering the nature of our business, our employees are not unionised, nor do they engage in collective bargaining.
Modern slavery
We published our statement on modern slavery for the financial year ended 31 March 2023 on our website in September 2023, and will update this statement in September 2024.