EC Waste
- Sector Social Infrastructure
- Year invested 2021
- Location North America
- Status Current

EC Waste is the largest vertically integrated provider of solid waste services in Puerto Rico.
Visit ecwaste.com
With locations throughout the island, EC Waste provides multiple waste services to over 80,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers. The company operates five well-located, U.S. EPA permitted disposal sites, which enables EC Waste to serve all of Puerto Rico in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.
Additionally, the company manages three transfer stations, runs the island’s largest regulated, solid waste collections network and hosts what will be Puerto Rico’s largest renewable natural gas collection project at its El Coqui facility.
Why we invested
EC Waste has enough capacity to serve all of Puerto Rico’s needs for decades ahead as communities and businesses consider moving away from non-compliant providers towards U.S. EPA permitted, fully compliant waste disposal options. In addition, the company has a proven track record of providing top-tier services to the communities it operates in across the island.
The company has made significant investments into its infrastructure and operations technology to improve performance and position the company for future growth and there is significant opportunity to grow the company’s sustainable waste practices, such as its renewable natural gas collection activities.
Recent developments
Since our investment, the company has increased the number of landfills from four to five following an acquisition and grown its transfer stations from two to three. We are supporting the company to continue to invest in its fleet to enhance operational efficiency as well as grow its sustainable waste practices, such as its recycling and renewable natural gas collection activities. We continue to see consolidation opportunities for EC Waste.
Regulatory information
This transaction involved a recommendation of 3i Corporation.