- Sector Communications
- Year invested 2021
- Location Germany
- Status Current

DNS:NET is a leading independent telecommunications provider in Germany. Established in 1998, DNS:NET owns the largest independent fibre-to-the-cabinet network in the Berlin area and is rolling out a fibre-to-the home network in Berlin and the surrounding regions.
Visit DNS-net.de
The company differentiates itself through a superior network, local brand recognition and attractive pricing of high bandwidth products, which drives high customer satisfaction. 3i Infrastructure’s backing will allow DNS:NET to accelerate its build programme to provide gigabit-ready connectivity to its customers.
Recent developments
DNS:NET received investment of £34 million during the year from 3iN to continue the development of its fibre-to-the-home (\"FTTH\") network in areas around Berlin and in the State of Brandenburg. A new CEO joined the company in July 2023 and he has overseen the preparation of an updated business plan that was agreed with shareholders in December 2023. We are making good progress in building a strengthened and experienced management team.
FTTH network rollouts in Germany remain challenging. Passing homes has been the industry’s primary focus to date. Connecting and activating customers to the network on a timely basis is an industry-wide challenge. The negative value movement in the year was driven by more conservative business plan assumptions for DNS:NET’s FTTH rollout. Throughout the year, DNS:NET has focused on connecting backbone fibre infrastructure and home connections for its owned network, as well as on securing the handover of leased networks built by authorities in the neighbouring State of Saxony-Anhalt, making good progress in the number of its connected and activated customers as a result.
The company is now preparing for the next stages in its network delivery in a way that narrows the time lag between passing homes and connecting and activating customers on that FTTH network to improve performance. We have increased the discount rate to reflect uncertainties over available debt pricing for fibre businesses in future years and the delay against the original rollout timetable.
Regulatory information
This transaction involved a recommendation of 3i Investments plc.